Download slicer prusa edition
Download slicer prusa edition

download slicer prusa edition

I know that slicer software is like religion, politics, and CAD software: People can get very attached to them. I thought I should revisit what slicer software 2017 has available. And the updates don’t include fixes to some major issues I feel it has….And that their updates are so few and far between….The fact that I paid cash money for it.

download slicer prusa edition

  • Despite it does so many things so well….
  • However, and as much as I like Simplif圓D: I’ve also built my own printer a few years ago. And for the time I used them, they’ve all been great. Since then I’ve used multiple slicers to generate my gcode, but mainly (and in order): ReplicatorG, MakerWare (now MakerBot Print), and Simplif圓D. I’ve been a 3d printing hobbyist for right around five years now: I purchased my first printer, a Makerbot Replicator 1 (which I still own, still prints great) in March of 2012.

    download slicer prusa edition

    I printed so many 3dBenchies for this comparison….

    Download slicer prusa edition